Is sobriety here to stay?

We’re witnessing a tectonic shift in beverage preferences, with growing demand for low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks otherwise known as NO&LO. 

This trend is evidenced by the escalating market size of NO&LO products, which is estimated to reach £1.1 billion by 2025 (Mintel, 2023)!

This may be happening due to a number of reasons. For example, growing health consciousness, increasing social acceptance of sobriety, and a wider variety of great-tasting NO&LO options available.

Could there really be a life without hangovers, without compromising on the taste or enjoyment that alcohol provides?

In the run up to Christmas, it’s THE time for celebrations and traditionally a few bevvys, so will this category remain strong until we arrive at Dry January and head into 2024?

According to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (2022), 44% of UK adults drink less than 14 units of alcohol per week which is the recommended guideline, suggesting a more permeant behaviour change. This move towards moderation is further reflected by the fact that in 2022, half of UK adults purchased a NO&LO product (Mintel, 2023). So, its looking good for sobriety.

Interested in trying out a NO&LO brand? Here is a selection of some our favourite brands:

Lucky Saint

Hailing from Brighton, UK, Lucky Saint is a non-alcoholic lager that boasts a crisp, refreshing taste reminiscent of traditional pilsners. They emphasise their clean ingredients, using brewing techniques that mirror those of their alcoholic counterparts. The best part? Lucky Saint's marketing strategy. You may have seen their stand-out campaign of the nun portraying their product as a guilt-free indulgence, using the power of humour brilliantly. Plus they’ve made it easier than ever to find a Lucky Saint on tap with their website Tap Map. Tempting right?


SENTIA stands out as it claims to mimic the effects of alcohol, without all the negative side effects due to it’s unique botanical blend. Their USP is all about providing a sensory, mood boosting experience, designed to enhance your occasions and celebrations without the hangover.


A NO&LO OG, Seedlip is a pioneer of low alcohol beverages. Using fragrant and herbal blands, Seedlip has drawn interest from consumers due to it’s innovative and premium approach to taste. Rather than copy and paste an existing gin, Seedlip has carved out it’s own unique spot on the shelves, helping to draw new buyers into the category. Additionally, Seedlip’s beautiful packaging has also allowed consumers to be discrete as it’s similar to traditional gin packaging.

As the NO&LO trend continues to flourish, it's evident that these beverages are no longer just alternatives to alcohol; they're slowly becoming their own category of drinks. 

So, with the festive season approaching, NO&LO drinks provide an opportunity to explore new flavors and embrace experiencing social occasions in a new way.

Which drink is on your Christmas wishlist? Will you be opting for a traditional alcoholic beverage or trying a new NO&LO creation? 


  • Mintel (2023). Low- and Alcohol-Free Drinks - UK [Market Brief].

  • Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (2022). Alcohol Statistics: Alcohol consumption in the UK.

  • IWSR. (2022). Low- and No-Alcohol (LNA) Drinks (Non-Alcoholic Beer, Wine, and Spirits) in the United Kingdom - Market Analysis.


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