Who says print is dead?
In this era of digital dominance, there's a prevailing belief that print media has met its demise.
However, contrary to popular opinion, print still holds a significant place in our media ecosystem and continues to thrive in surprising ways.
In fact, with the hundreds of social media and email notifications we receive daily, and new platforms like Thread rearing their head, perhaps we all find solitude in going back to basics with the traditional medium of print. Read on as we'll explore the effects of print as a format that will always have a role in marketing.
1. Print has a tangible impact
Print possesses a unique quality that digital mediums often struggle to replicate. According to Same Day Printing, the physical presence of a printed piece engages multiple senses, creating a deeper and more memorable connection with the audience.1 From the smell of the freshly printed paper to the impact of holding something real in your hands, print evokes an emotional response that digital platforms simply can't replicate.
2. Print has credibility and trust
In an age of online misinformation, print media retains a significant advantage when it comes to credibility and trust. The tangible nature of print fosters a perception of reliability and authenticity. Research published in the i-Chess 2021 Proceedings supports this notion, showing that readers often perceive print media as more trustworthy compared to digital sources.2 This inherent trust can be a valuable asset for businesses seeking to establish a strong brand reputation with their audience.
3. Print has targeted reach
While digital advertising allows for precise targeting of audiences, print media offers a unique way to captivate individuals. Equinet Media highlights that print publications often have dedicated readerships, allowing businesses to reach their target demographics effectively.3 For example by strategically placing advertisements or publishing content in niche print publications, marketers can engage with an audience that is receptive and aligned with their brand values. Print can also be directed at certain geographic locations and can deliver a personal touch by reaching people’s homes.
4. Print has a complementary role
Print complements the digital landscape. As the digital realm becomes increasingly crowded and fleeting, print offers a respite—a chance to disconnect from the constant noise and immerse oneself in a focused reading experience. Print media allows individuals to slow down, absorb information deeply, and savour the content, like the good old days! The balance between digital and print can create a holistic media strategy that maximises both reach and impact
Do you work in marketing? Here’s how you can use print marketing strategically:
Strategic implementation of print marketing can yield powerful results for businesses aiming to make a lasting impact. However, it’s important to note that sustainability should always be taken into consideration and printing excessively without a clear objective should be avoided.
One effective strategy is to integrate print with other marketing channels to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience. For example, a company launching a new food and drink product can leverage print by sending out eye-catching direct post to a targeted audience, accompanied by a personalised QR code and discount code which leads to a dedicated landing page. This cross-channel approach creates a seamless customer journey, combining the tactile appeal of print with the convenience and interactivity of digital platforms.
Another strategic use of print marketing is to position it as a premium, exclusive offering. For instance, high-quality brochures or beautifully designed catalogues can be distributed selectively at industry events, sent as follow-up materials to key prospects or used to enhance the customer experience post-purchase. By presenting print as a special, curated experience, businesses can differentiate themselves and leave a lasting impression in the minds of their audience. Ultimately, the key to leveraging print marketing strategically lies in understanding the target audience, selecting the right print materials, and integrating them thoughtfully with other marketing efforts to maximise impact and drive desired outcomes.
Despite the popular notion that print media is no longer alive and kicking, the reality tells a different story. Print's tangible impact, credibility, targeted reach, and complementary nature to digital media all contribute to its enduring power. Print continues to captivate audiences and offer unique benefits that cannot be replicated by digital.
Same Day Printing. "Why Print Is Far From Dead in 2023." Available online: https://samedayprinting.com.au/why-print-is-far-from-dead-in-2023/# Accessed 13th July 2023
Atlantis Press. Proceedings of i-Chess 2021. Available online: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/ichess-21/125967258 Accessed 13th July 2023
Equinet Media. "Is Print Media Dead?" Available online: https://www.equinetmedia.com/blog/is-print-media-dead Accessed 13th July 2023
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