How to not greenwash
Every day is Earth Day. But on Saturday the 22nd April, it’s the official day to celebrate our incredible planet. So, we’re talking about greenwashing.
The biggest food & drink trends of 2023
A lot has happened over the last few years. Subsequently, our eating and drink patters are evolving constantly. But which trends are expected to take centre stage this year? Mintel recently released their global food and drink trends report for 2023 and have highlighted 4 key areas. Let’s explore these in more detail.
Making sense of HFSS
The HFSS restrictions affect the promotion of HFSS foods, intended to improve public health and tackle the rising rates of obesity in the UK, particularly in children. In October 2022, the UK government introduced the first set of restrictions which relates to where HFSS foods are sold in store, with more restrictions to come. So what do brands and retailers need to know about HFSS?