How to not greenwash

Every day is Earth Day. But on Saturday the 22nd April, it’s the official day to celebrate our incredible planet. So, we’re talking about greenwashing. 🌎

Have you heard of the term greenwashing?

It's when brands make exaggerated or false claims about their sustainability practices which could mislead their customers.

This damaging marketing tactic has made it increasingly hard for consumers to believe brands when communicating about their efforts to be more environmentally friendly (even when they truly are!)

So, if you're a brand that wants to use sustainability related claims with genuine merit, here's how not to greenwash:

♻️Avoid green jargon: Use clear and understandable language, and avoid vague terms such as "eco-friendly", "clean" or "natural" without being able to provide specific details or refer to facts. Ensure that your internal practices align with your sustainability claims.

♻️Have proof: Use credible third-party certifications or audits to verify and validate your sustainability claims. This could include certifications such as Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance or Animal Welfare, which provide independent verification of sustainability practices.

♻️Be honest and transparent: Implement sustainable practices throughout your supply chain, operations, and corporate culture and be prepared to share this with your customers. Public reporting can also improve trust between company and consumer.

A brilliant podcast to listen to is the Forces for Good podcast on ‘How can business combat greenwashing?’ 🎙️

Source: World Economic Forum, 2023

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