The biggest food & drink trends of 2023
What are the top food and drink trends in 2023?
A lot has happened over the last few years. Subsequently, our eating and drink patterns are constantly evolving. But which trends are expected to take centre stage this year?
Mintel recently released their global food and drink trends report for 2023 and have highlighted 4 key areas. Let’s explore these in more detail.
Weatherproofed Provisions
Global warming and extreme weather has presented a new set of challenges when it comes to food and drink. Not only should brands adapt to withstand heat waves and sub zero temperatures, they can support consumers in adapting to the consequences of climate change. This can be through food and drink with extended shelf life, cooling or warming effects or through cooking equipment that saves energy. For example, slow cookers may be a more energy efficient option vs ovens and so products may be developed with this new cooking method in mind.
Staying Sharp
As technology evolves, so will consumers expectations of food and drink. In order to stand out, brands must create products and formulations with added benefits that help consumers to improve performance and wellbeing. For example, brain-boosting or productivity-boosting ingredients will become more popular, as well as the benefits of optimal gut health in relation to other areas of health such as cognitive function, mental wellbeing and immunity.
Cosmic Comforts
Space will be closer to Earth than ever before, symbolising hope and wonder. Space may be used increasingly in marketing campaigns as a source of inspiration, which will increase familiarity amongst the younger generation. In addition, manifestations of space-inspired technology, such as water purification, dehydrated foods and permeable packaging will be developed to help meet the needs of the growing population and changing climate. Although, research is needed before emerging ingredients can go mainstream.
Minimalist Messaging
The rise of ‘clean labelling’ appeals to consumers looking to simplify. Product communication is likely to be reduced to only the essential selling points so as not to overwhelm the consumer. In particular, heath benefits and natural ingredients that add value should be highlighted. Consumers not only have reduced budgets, but they also are short on time, and so key selling points should be prioritised on packaging. Whilst story-telling is a crucial component of brand’s identities, detailed content should be saved for social media, websites and marketing. Or even at point of purchase e.g. Danish supermarket MENY introduced climate labelling on shelves to help showcase their carbon footprint.
Want to hear more about how food and drink trends may shape your marketing? Feel free to contact us.
Mintel, 2023. Available online: